
It can be visited only two days a year. Tsushima Shrine” shrouded in mystery.


This time we would like to introduce “Tsushima Shrine” located in Kagawa Prefecture.
This shrine can be properly visited only on August 4 and 5. This is because the main hall of the shrine is located in the sea.

This time, we will take a bow at “Tsushima Shrine” surrounded by such a mysterious atmosphere.

Outline of the Shrine

This shrine is located in Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture

This shrine is located in Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture. It is a scenic city with most of the city facing the sea, which recently looks like the Salt Lake Uyuni, and mountains in the areas that do not face the sea. The shrine is located on the eastern edge of the city, or more precisely, on the sea that juts out from the edge.

Access, etc.

  • Founded: 1706
  • Deity: Susanoo-no-Mikoto
  • Benefit: To ward off evil spirits in children
  • Address: 7463 Omi, Mino-cho, Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture, 767-0031
  • Parking: Yes

There is a station called “Tsushima-no-miya” nearby, but it is not usually used except on August 4 and 5, so please be careful if you are considering accessing the shrine by anything other than a car. The road along the coast near the shrine is narrow, so it is best to avoid large vehicles.

Walking around the shrine grounds

Far Worship Place

The path to the main shrine is usually closed, so you will have to visit here.

As mentioned above, the main shrine here is closed except on August 4 and 5, and you can usually only view the island where the main shrine is located in the distance through the fence. The hole in the ground looks like it could be crossed if you pushed yourself, but on two days a year, a wooden bridge is prepared here to allow you to cross safely.

You can go out to the beach from the side of the temple grounds. The bridge is said to be 250 meters long.

Red Seal

The red seal is like this. While there are many shrines that only leave a note for the reason of corona these days, it is a little nice to be able to have it written directly.


This is all for this time.
Since the main event of this shrine is August 4 and 5, it is usually not crowded and you can visit the shrine in a relaxed manner.
The main shrine is located in the distance from the far shrine, and you can enjoy the mysterious atmosphere of the shrine.


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